The editor would like to take this opportunity to thank those who have contributed towards the creation of this website. Without their assistance it would not be as comprehensive as it is. Particular thanks are given to the people and organizations who have submitted material and/or images and given permission for it to be published. It has been a continual source of encouragement that so many of those contacted have willingly and so promptly responded to requests for help. Grateful thanks are offered to all.
Special mention and thanks are given to:
Steve Taylor: for the supply of material, permission to reproduce his contributions and for his encouragement with the project
Dr Norman Tricks: for permission to reproduce his contributions
Dr Charles Tricks: for permission to reproduce material written by Dr Bell
Helen Ives: for her painstaking genealogical research which has filled in many of the gaps in Dr Bell’s life
Richard Thorn, Editor of the Wrington village website: for his kind help and permission to reproduce material
Adam Fox-Edwards: for permission to reproduce material and images from works by Conrad Voss Bark
Greg Wrapson of The Alvis Register: for permission to reproduce the Alvis image
Steve Pope: for permission to reproduce the article and map entitled ‘The Forgotten Map of Blagdon’
The Flyfishers’ Club, London: for permission to reproduce the article in The Flyfishers’ Journal by Alick Newsom and images of Dr Bell’s flies
Aaron Day of Vintage Fishing Tackle: for permission to reproduce images of vintage fly fishing tackle
John Knott, Hon. Curator & Archivist of The Flyfishers’ Club, London: for images of Dr Bell’s flies
Bill Rogers: for images of postcards portraying Old Wrington
John Fox of The Alvis Archive Trust: for information and images regarding Dr Bell’s Alvis
Robert De’Ath for information and images of Alvis DYA 433
Merlin Unwin Books: for permission to quote the extract and reproduce images from A History of Flyfishing by Conrad Voss Bark (1992)
Crowood Press: for permission to quote extracts from Reservoir Trout Flies by Adrian V W Freer (2010)
A&C Black Publishers, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc: for permission to quote the extract from Two Hundred Popular Flies by Tom Stewart (1979)
David & Charles Publishers, an imprint of F&W Media International: for permission to quote the extract from Advanced Stillwater Flyfishing by Chris Ogbourne (1993)
Trout & Salmon magazine: for permission to quote the obituary of Dr Bell
The Field magazine: for permission to quote the obituary to Dr Bell
Revd David Gent: Rector of All Saints’ Church, Wrington
Veronica Thorn: Archivist to All Saints’ Church, Wrington
The following resources have been of great help in compiling this website. To visit the websites copy and paste the link in the address bar of your web browser:
Wrington Archive: https://wringtonsomerset.org.uk/archive/1945/homeguard.html
Wrington All Saints’ Church: https://wrington.net/allsaints/churchyardplan/ The burial plots of Dr and Mrs Bell are 1112b and 1146 in the NW corner of the churchyard.
Vintage Fishing Tackle: https://vintagefishingtackle.co.uk/
Wrington Archive: https://wrington.net/archive/2015/billyrogerspostcards/
Alvis Archive Trust: https://alvisarchive.com/1930s-the-post-vintage-era/the-silver-crest/
Fly Fishing by Alvis: https://alvisarchive.com/2018/08/23/fly-fishing-by-alvis/
To visit the websites copy and paste the link in the address bar of your web browser:
For those who wish to delve further into the life and legacy of Dr Bell the following books are recommended:
Freer, Adrian V. W., Reservoir Trout Flies (Crowood Press, 2010)
Voss Bark, Conrad, A History of Flyfishing (Merlin Unwin, 1992)
Voss Bark, Conrad, The New Encyclopaedia of Fly Fishing (Robert Hale, 1999)
FlyFishing & FlyTying magazine article, February 2015 issue: ‘Doctor of the Stillwater Nymph’, pages 40-43
Source material
Wherever possible permission has been obtained to reproduce the material/images on this website. Nevertheless, some of the source material dates back to the first half of the twentieth century and it has been impossible to trace the original rights holder. The credit for articles and images (where known) follows the text.
Permission to reproduce images
For permission to reproduce images for which Adrian Freer/WebDataUK holds the rights please use the contact form when, for legitimate usage, permission will normally be granted free of charge. Attribution as follows: [Image: Adrian Freer] or [Image: WebDataUK] or similar is requested. Such consent does not, however, confer the right to sub-assign permission to any third party which should contact the website for authorization.
For further information on copyright the following link may prove helpful: https://www.gov.uk/copyright