As has already been indicated, considering his huge contribution to the development of reservoir fly fishing, there is a dearth of information about Dr Bell and readers are invited to supply further material and/or images in their possession in order that they may be added to the website. Should sufficient material come to light there may be sufficient to produce a book about Dr Bell before the memory of him is lost in the mists of time.
If you possess appropriate information in the form of written material or images about Dr Bell, his life, where he lived, his pioneering fishing exploits or any other supplementary material that might be of interest, please forward it using the contact form below. The source of such material will be credited if required. We cannot guarantee inclusion, however.
In order to comply with copyright requirements please copy and paste statement 'A' below.
A] 'I hereby give permission for the material/images submitted to be reproduced on the 'Dr Bell of Wrington' website and also in a book on The Life and Legacy of Dr Bell of Wrington'.
Please also copy and paste one of the following statements 1, 2 or 3 as appropriate:
1] 'I am the copyright holder'
2] 'I am not the copyright holder, the copyright holder is '.....................................' (Please supply contact details of the copyright holder)
3] 'The copyright holder is unknown.'
Should any information on this website be incorrect please get in touch using the form below in order that it may be corrected.
Any assistance in increasing the amount of information reproduced would be greatly appreciated.
Contact form below:
Below is a list of information that is still required. If you are able to help please contact us using the form above. The list is incomplete and we would be pleased to consider any other additional material or images pertinent to Dr Bell:
Where did he first learn to fish?
Where did Dr Bell study?
What year did his medical training begin and finish?
Which London Hospital did he work at prior to WW1?
What else is known of his early years?
What was his father's occupation?
Image of Bell's Bush
Article about Dr Bell in April 1958 issue of Fishing Gazette by Lt. Col Esmond Drury
Article about Dr Bell in December 1974/5/6/7? issue of Trout & Salmon
Where and when did he practice in Sussex after his return from WW1
Other articles about Dr Bell in newspapers, magazines or books
Grateful thanks are offered to all those who have contributed material towards the creation of this website. Without their assistance it would not be as comprehensive or informative as it is. Please also see the 'Acknowledgements' page.