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The Gaulby Group of Churches distributes the Pilgrim Bible Notes written by Alec Taylor and produced by Thurlaston Chapel. The following article was written to help readers as they seek to read, understand and apply God's Holy Word in their lives.



By owning a copy of the Holy Bible, you possess the most valuable handbook there is for living in the world today, and indeed in any age. It is hoped that these suggestions will encourage you to take time to read God’s Word for yourself on a daily basis.




It is a good plan to set aside a regular time each day and endeavour to keep within this routine. You may find early in the morning, in the evening, or some other time of day most suitable to your individual pattern of life; but whatever it is, try to stick to it. Unforeseen events may interrupt this on occasion, but whenever this happens try to get back into your chosen pattern again as soon as possible.

Use a Bible version which is accurate and you are comfortable with. If any words are unclear, use a Bible dictionary to try and understand their meaning. A Bible map book can also be helpful.

Endeavour to find a quiet place, free from distraction, where you can concentrate your mind on what you are doing. Remember that God speaks to us today through His Word.

Start with a short prayer asking God to help you understand the passage you are reading. A verse such as Psalm 119: 18 [1] is a good model prayer you may wish to follow.




Read the passage slowly, endeavouring to take in what it is saying. When reading your Bible ask yourself these questions. Is there:


  • A sin to confess and forsake?

  • An error to avoid?

  • A command to obey?

  • An example to follow?

  • A promise to claim?

  • A new thought about God?

  • A picture or foreshadowing of the Lord Jesus?


If you use Bible notes, read them through afterwards, looking up any cross references or parallel verses. Remember, however, that God’s Word is the ultimate and infallible truth and interpreter of Scripture. Bible notes and commentaries can be very helpful, but God’s Word is the definitive reference point.

Memorizing passages which you have found to be especially helpful is well worth the time and effort. When you do this you will find that they will come back to the forefront of your mind at the appropriate time. Over time you will love God’s Word more and more.

When words such as ‘therefore’ or ‘but’ appear, notice that what follows is the consequence of what has preceded it.

You may find it helpful to make notes of any points which particularly impress themselves on your mind, and you will perhaps want to discuss or share them with others




A time of prayer can follow as what has been read directs your thoughts. The Lord’s Prayer[2] is a model prayer to follow. The acrostic ‘ACTS’ can be a useful reminder of how we ought to pray.


  • Adoration: praising God for who He is and what He has done.

  • Confession: asking God for forgiveness of our sins[3].

  • Thanksgiving: giving God thanks for all His mercies.

  • Supplication: asking God to help you and others as you pray in accordance with His will.


As you end your time with God you could close using a benediction such as the grace [4] or some other verse of Scripture.

When you read God’s word you will be built up in Him, have a closer walk with your Lord, and become more in tune with spiritual truths.

May the Lord bless you as you grow ever closer to Him as you study His precious and most Holy Word.



[1] O Lord, open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. [taken from Psalm 119: 18]

[2] Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil; for Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

[3] The Prayer of General Confession from the Book of Common Prayer can be a helpful prayer to follow.

[4] The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all evermore. Amen. [taken from 2 Corinthians 13: 14]


© 2012 Adrian V W Freer. All rights reserved.

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